Sides Sisters Swim School Skills
Walk into pool using stairs
Walk width of the pool
Squat down, kneel down, sit down
Front float (3-5 seconds)
Front float kick (start and stop without assistance)
Back float with assistance
Back float without assistance
Jump (3ft) without assistance
Streamline kick length of pool with assistance
Streamline kick length of pool without assistance
Push off wall with both feet
Big arms. Arms change places with pause and kick. Must be floating
Back float kick with assistance
Back float kick without assistance- includes pushing off the wall
Backstroke arms (tall arms)
Jump in, turn and get on back with assistance (black line – 5ft)
Jump in, turn and get on back without assistance (black line – 5ft)
Freestyle (breath and blow) Start from a stream line position 3ft width
Freestyle (breath and blow) Start from a stream line position 5ft width
Freestyle (breath and blow) Start from a stream line position deep end width
Freestyle start from 10 ft wall and swim to bench
Backstroke 3ft width
Backstroke 5ft width
Backstroke – jump in 10 ft turn, get on back and backstroke into wall. (entire length)